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Girl sitting on cozy rug in apartment with puppy and computerIf you’re struggling with the winter blues, you’re certainly not alone. Colder temperatures and a lack of sunlight cause many of us to simply feel “blah” in the winter months.

Group of friends sitting on floor of apartment after moving, eating pizzaIf you’ve ever helped someone when they’re moving to a new apartment, you know it can be tough work! But, if you’ve ever been the friend who needs the moving help, you also know that having your amigos there can definitely make moving easier.

Person in sweatpants walking around cozy , stylish furnished apartmentIt’s a dilemma many people entering short-term housing situations face: How to make a space feel like home without investing too much time or money. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about being stuck with a sparse or impersonal apartment.

Girl in purple tank top working out in apartment living roomWhen the days are short, the snow is falling, and the apartment gym is just a little too far away, it can be hard to motivate yourself to work out. However, as a wise post on Pinterest proclaims, “Excuses don’t get results!”

Valentine's Day On CalendarHave you found yourself still single as Valentine’s Day is approaching? Have no fear! Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about surviving single or moping around. Let’s shoot some of Cupid’s arrows right into the heart of that myth and start your own Valentine’s traditions this year. Here are four ideas to help you feel inspired.

Celebrate Being Single

While the rest of the world seems to be pairing off, it’s good to remember that you should embrace all the reasons being single is awesome. Use Valentine’s Day as a mini-holiday for yourself and splurge on that pair of shoes or new gadget you’ve had your eye on. Or you could revel in the alone time of your 1-bedroom apartment and sleep in as late as you want!

Plumber Fixing Broken SinkIf you’ve ever accidentally hit your thermostat the wrong way or heard a funny noise from your refrigerator, you’ve probably wondered what exactly your apartment’s maintenance can assist you with. Read on for some basics about how to approach maintenance problems in your apartment.

Major Fixes Are a Must

Your landlord is responsible for anything structurally wrong in your apartment, no matter what. If there are any plumbing problems, leaks, or anything that affects the structural integrity, your landlord must take care of it in a timely manner. If you’re renting in an older building, even simple problems could be a sign of a more deep-rooted issue in the infrastructure and should quickly be taken care of. Unfortunately, a problem like this might lead maintenance to spend a couple days in your apartment – good thing it’s on business days.

Golden Retriever in the SnowAs the temperatures plunge, our furry family members are certainly feeling the cold the same as we are. There are a few ways to take care of your pet this winter, and your apartment community can even help with some of those tasks. Our top five tips are:

New Year's ResolutionsNow that the holidays and New Year’s Day have come and gone, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle-and-bustle of everyday life and forget about those pesky resolutions that were made on January 1st. Whether your resolution was to lose weight, spend less money, or just be happier, life has a habit of getting in the way of achieving your goals. However, there are plenty of easy ways that apartment living can help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

Save Money

There are many different ways to go about saving money, and apartment living can help you do that! If your finances are getting a little tight, consider moving in with a roommate, cut back on the little things like eating out, or check out our Budget Blog Roundup for excellent tips on saving money while living in an apartment.

Be Happier

If 2014 wasn’t your best year, maybe it’s time for a change. Take the leap and find a new job that makes you happier or cut out the negative people in your life. A new year allows you to change things up, so consider where you’re living and if you’re content there. Start fresh, find an apartment in a new city, and jump into the culture there. Making a big change can seem scary, but it might just be the thing you need to make 2015 your best year yet.

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