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apartment decor Tag

Happy Couple Updating Apartment with Tax RefundIt’s that time of year again: time for tax paperwork that couldn’t be more complicated (bleghk) and a big fat check that couldn’t be more glorious (huzzah)! It’s time for your tax refund, and according to the IRS, this year’s average tax refund is a whopping $3,120. With that kind of money, you could go on a sandy beach vacation AND treat yourself to something nice. Why not give your apartment the makeover it’s been waiting for and upgrade your decor? Here’s how in three easy steps!

AS_DimeWell, you did it. You finally packed up that little life of yours and are officially moving into your first apartment. Look at you, adulting and stuff! Once you get over the chaos of putting everything you own into cardboard boxes and hauling it to your new abode, there’s just one thing left to do: make that humble abode a home. And nothing says “home” like the decor of your apartment. But wait a minute…are you thinking, “Decor? Isn’t that a fancy word for ‘decorations’? Sounds expensive.” Fear not, my budget-conscious friend. We’re here to give you some ways to save on turning your place into a whimsical wonderland (or a decked out den, or a pretty pad…whatever you want to call it, really). Follow our guide and you’ll be the king or queen of your quaint castle in no time.