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Looking for a roommate? Good roommates can be hard to find. And great roommates? They’re like four-leaf clovers. Luckily for you, we can help you find one!

Are you a savvy shopper? Then you probably know when to catch the best sales and biggest discounts. Did you know the same is true when it comes to renting apartments?

In many respects, rent-to-own apartments sound almost too good to be true:

  • There’s barely a fraction of the maintenance required of a house.
  • It can be easier — not to mention more affordable — to find an apartment closer to vibrant downtown areas than similarly located homes.
  • It combines the flexibility of renting with the financial security of owning property.

A serious relationship with the right person can change everything for the better. You love spending time with your significant other, and maybe you’ve been daydreaming about what it would be like to move in together.

Coffee MakerAs a new college grad, you’ve been through it all: application, matriculation, examination, graduation, and (finally) celebration! And often, after that, it’s time for relocation. For many, moving to your first post-college apartment means living alone for the first time.

So there you are, packing up your boxes to part ways with your college roommate, when you realize… without someone to split possessions with, your amount of necessities is taking a major hit! Because roommates often take the “this-for-that” approach to big purchases (“I’ll get a toaster if you get a table”), separation of roommates often entails a reclaiming process, and maybe a little separation anxiety. There goes the cutlery… and the coffeepot… and the couch… and the shower curtain….

Woman Holding Laundry BasketWhen you’re looking through the amenities for apartments to rent, you may notice that a unit includes “washer/dryer hook ups” or connections, rather than a shared laundry room. Now you have to make a tough decision: rent a washer and dryer, buy them, or go to the laundromat. If you’re not sure how to approach the issue, take a look at these tips first to help make an appliance choice that works best for you and your budget.

Think about your future

Young Woman Under BlanketAh, the joys of living alone. Want pancakes and bacon at 2 AM? Get cookin’—you won’t wake anybody up! No need to call “dibs” on the remote—it’s always yours! Get the pet that you want, entertain guests when you want, and sing your favorite show tunes at the top of your lungs. But once the novelty wears off, living by yourself can actually be a little nerve-wracking. What if there’s an emergency and no one around to help?

Whether you have an overactive imagination or you just want to be prepared in case of a crisis, here are 5 ways to not be scared if you live alone.

Friends Rooftop GardeningOn Earth Day, people around the world celebrate all the different ways they are taking care of this planet. Some are grand plans to conserve our natural resources. Other initiatives aim to help entire cities use less electricity and water. But we know that taking care of the earth starts in our homes. There are so many small ways that you can help better our environment on April 22nd this year – right from your apartment home or community.

Top Ways to Go Green

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