6 Bad Apartment Habits to Break in 2014

apartment living bad habitsDoes anyone actually keep New Year’s resolutions?  It’s true that we all want to, but somewhere along the way all of those good intentions are brought down by bad habits we just can’t seem to break.  Habits relating to our apartments are no exception. Maybe you’ve resolved to be more organized this year, maybe you want to be healthier, or maybe you want to improve the way your apartment looks.  All of these are noble goals, and ApartmentSearch.com wants to help you on your way to a better 2014.

Check out these easy ways to break 6 bad habits for better apartment life.  Read on, and learn how to stop…

1. Losing Your Keys

No, you won’t remember that you put your keys are on the kitchen table or near the sink or on your bathroom counter.  So install a set of hooks or put a bowl by your apartment’s door, then be religious about putting your keys there every time you walk in.  You should also get a spare key made.  In fact, two spare keys couldn’t hurt; give one to a responsible friend or neighbor.

2. Killing your Plants

Even the most forgetful renter can keep a plant alive.  Save your apartment’s greenery by getting a self-watering planter or container, and making sure your plants are in a place where they can get enough light.  And don’t forget that outdoor plants need love too.  If it’s cold, cover them up with an old sheet or bring them inside.  Can’t make a serious plant commitment?  Get a succulent like aloe vera that requires minimal watering, or get fake plants.  For our full apartment plant survival guide, check out these tips.

3. Being a Couch Potato

There’s a reason gym membership sales spike every January: the most popular New Year’s resolution is to get fit.  But you probably don’t want to shell out membership fees for that fancy gym.  Plus, it’s so much easier to stay in your apartment on a cold day. Instead of lounging around your apartment, head to your apartment’s gym a couple of times a week.  Do some laps at the local Y.  Walk around the block.  Even exerting minimal effort will pay off over time.  Don’t have access to a gym at your apartment?  Here’s how to work out in apartments with no gym.

4. Wasting Money on Your Utility Bills

Less is always more when it comes to paying your apartment’s utility bills.  To lower bills on utilities like phone, TV, Internet, gas, electricity, and water, check out our post about how to save on apartment utilities.  Switching to online bill-paying will also save you the cost of postage every month, and you should learn how to pay your bills on time so you don’t incur late charges.

5. Battling a Messy Closet

Does it look like a tiny tornado blew through your apartment’s closets?  Have you spent too much time in the mornings searching fruitlessly for that one pair of pants?  Do you need a GPS to get to your shoes?  Get your act together and get your closets organized.  There’s no time like the present to get rid of clothes that are out of season or don’t fit.  Donate, discard, or sell ‘em.  After that, get whatever organizing implements you need to make your closets orderly. Shoe organizers, vacuum-pack bags, over-the-door organizers, new shelves, sturdy plastic tubs—don’t hold back.

6. Settling for Dull Decor

Is your apartment decor, like, so 2013?  Don’t despair. You don’t need to be Martha Stewart to update your apartment’s look.  Change the way you think about your entryway, redesign your small apartment, try a little feng shui, or just put up a fresh coat of paint.  You’d be surprised what a difference a few small changes can make.