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apartment pools are one of the top amenitiesEverywhere you go, you hear about the increase in popularity of the apartment lifestyle. Everyone from retiring Baby Boomers to Millennials to Generation Z – who are just now finding their first apartments – are discovering the benefits of apartment living. But an apartment is much more than just a place to eat and lay your head at night. One of the greatest things about apartment living is all the amenities that come with it – amenities that most people would not otherwise be able to afford or enjoy.

While we all know about apartment community amenities such as fitness centers, swimming pools and recreational activities such as tennis and racquetball, there are many other amenities that are driving people to choose renting rather than owning.

man reaching for alarm clockWe do a lot with our iPhones these days. One minute, you’re checking your bank statement while listening to music and the next you’re using FaceTime to say hello to your dad from 1,000 miles away. However, one of the big flaws in Apple technology is the built-in alarm clock. (It can be unreliable, at best.) While this technology will surely improve, several alternatives have become popular in the meantime. Check out some of our favorite tech-savvy ways to wake up.

fall apartmentAutumn’s arrival is now official and the changing of the seasons is already in full swing in many states. As short sleeve shirts and sandals give way to sweaters and scarves, apartment dwellers across the nation take advantage of the many benefits of the fall season. Power bills are reduced, thanks to reduced air conditioning. More time is spent outdoors, enjoying the crisp air. And, for the apartment residents of many cities, there are plenty of things that make autumn an even more magical time of year.

Summer’s Hold Releases the Southeast

Weeks and months of oppressive heat and humidity have been plaguing the Southern states since May. But now, the days are beginning to cool off a bit and apartment residents are leaving the confines of their air-conditioned homes to venture outside. In Tampa Bay, Guavaween (the annual Latin-flavored Halloween celebration) draws the masses to the Sunshine State. In New Orleans, Voodoo Fest fills the Big Easy with the sounds of dozens of musical acts. And in Knoxville, the bright colors of changing leaves draw thousands to the Smokey Mountains.

SeniorsTop 5 Questions Senior Citizens Should Ask Before Leasing An Apartment

Seniors have special needs that should be considered when looking to find their next apartment. Whether you’re a senior looking to find your dream one bedroom apartment or you’re looking to find an apartment for an elderly parent or relative, we at ApartmentSearch encourage you to ask these 5 questions before committing to a new home.

Smiling Blue Collar WorkersOn Monday, September 1, our Nation pauses for a moment to celebrate Labor Day. For most people, this is simply a day off of work. But in all actuality, it is a celebration of the American Worker. It is on this day that we honor the contributions that the U.S. work force has made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. We celebrate the blue collars, the white collars, all of the business professionals, and we celebrate apartments. For it is apartments that house our nation’s workforce.

From part-time college students to hourly workers on an assembly line, and to waiters, waitresses, and bartenders, we honor those professions that call apartments home. And it is not limited to the previously mentioned hard-working hourly jobs. Sales professionals, salaried office staff, and corporate executives choose apartments as their preferred lifestyle as well. In fact, there are 19.3 million apartment homes with approximately 34.6 million apartment residents, comprised of Americans from every walk of life. And the factors for which they choose the apartment lifestyle are as diverse as the people themselves.