Independence Day & Apartment Living

As the Fourth of July approaches, we reflect on the circumstances that led to the birth of our nation nearly two-and-a-half centuries ago. Though they were visionaries of their time, our forefathers never imagined the world that we live in today. When the Declaration of Independence was signed, the total population of the U.S. was merely 2.5 million (roughly the same population as Houston). Most people lived in wood-frame, single-family houses that they, or their parents, constructed with their bare hands (often with up to eight people sharing a three-room structure). Little did the founders of our country know that we would someday growing into the vast society we are today…

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And though today’s political discourse can often make our country feel more divided than united, it is important to pause and consider the reality of the freedoms that each of us enjoy – often without even realizing the significance.

Housing Around the World

This is especially true when it comes to housing. It is estimated that 1.6 billion people worldwide lack adequate shelter. Much of this is due to war, political corruptions, societal violence, and a lack of resources. Many Americans have never faced such worries. In fact, many of us have the opportunity to select from a variety of “housing options,” which people outside of the western world often find more challenging to access.

Housing in the U.S.

In the U.S., more than 10% of housing options come in the form of apartment living (37.8 million of our 320 million U.S. residents call an apartment “home”). During certain times in American history, like the Industrial Revolution, apartment living was a necessity for some families. Over the past 50 years, more and more people have come to view apartment living as their preferred choice of housing. This viewpoint is exceedingly prevalent today, as more people are embracing the apartment lifestyle than ever before.

The Freedom of Apartment Life

Not bound by a mortgage, apartment dwellers have the freedom to live where they want to live, whenever they want to live there. If a new job or new opportunity creates a need to move, apartment renters have the freedom to move where life takes them. Renters can even enjoy luxurious amenities that they would otherwise not be able to afford. Their right to the “pursuit of happiness” has led them to a lifestyle of community living, where a team of multi-family housing professionals are there to serve them.

So, while you enjoy the picnics, barbecues, and fireworks that celebrate our nation’s independence, remember that in this great country we have the freedom to choose where and how we want to live. Now that’s something to celebrate!

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