Your New Year Apartment Organization Resolutions

As the first month of the year progresses and we slowly start to see our motivations diminish as things pile up on our plates, it gets a little hard to keep sight of our originally gung-ho New Years resolutions. And while many resolution-ers are spending their January crowding the local gyms, some of us are just trying start fresh – something best accomplished by giving the apartment a good ol’ makeover. Now, before you break out the buckets of paint and woodworking equipment, you should know that there are simple, easy ways to revitalize your apartment living situation without getting too nitty-gritty. Getting organized is not everyone’s forte, but that’s because not everyone realizes how relaxing and painless organizing can be – not to mention how rewarding. Here are some mini-tips on apartment organization from on how to start fresh (and stay fresh) in 2014:

Maximize your space

It’s time to reclaim your living space from the junk you’ve slowly accumulated over the months – you’ll be surprised at how the flow of an open living room can relax you. The first step to getting your space back is decluttering. Yes, that means you have to sort through that random pile of things in the corner and do something about the dead plants on the balcony.

This task may cause you to get a little sentimental, but once you buckle down and clear the rooms of things that you’ll never use, you’ll be able to breathe a little more easily. Some even suggest using the “one-for-three” rule, wherein for every one item that enters the home, three must go! Swapping your clunky outdated furniture for some more streamlined and multifunctional pieces (like a storage ottoman) will greatly improve the amount of perceived space in the room and increase your storage space.

Get into a routine

Unfortunately, the topic of chores is unavoidable when it comes to organization resolutions. The good news is that you can train yourself to do them without expending too much stress or effort, if you can get yourself in the routine. Small tasks done on a daily basis can drastically change how clean you can keep your home for the rest of the year. For example, dirty dishes should go into the dishwasher every night, not left out on the counter or table. Dirty laundry should go straight into the hamper and not left strewn about on the couch or on the floor next to the bed. Those tiny things add up and if you don’t train yourself to take care of them immediately, you’ll notice just how quickly they can pile up.

Bigger tasks like vacuuming and cleaning laundry should have designated days of the week. Doing laundry every Sunday might be a good idea, as you’ll most likely have enough time to wash and fold – and you’ll have a whole week of fresh, clean clothes ready on Monday morning. By delegating certain tasks to certain days, you can make sure that everything gets done without you getting overwhelmed and giving up.

Refresh your work and study station

The place where the most stress occurs in your apartment is probably at your desk or workstation, where late-night papers are sleepily written and a stacks of bills pile up. File away papers that you won’t need in the near future. Throw away random receipts and expired coupons and newsletters. Invest in some desktop organizers for unruly paperclips and pens. Springing for a wireless printer and having a laptop at the desk will save a lot of space and reduce cord-clutter. Once your workspace is clear, you can sit down and get to work without peripheral clutter getting in your way.

Keeping any New Years resolutions may seem daunting at first, but remember that it’s all about the small victories. Take things one concrete step at a time and you will find yourself in the groove before you know it. Check out our other blogs for New Years resolution tips like working out in an apartment with no gym or staying healthy and stress-free!


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