Website Makes Life Easier for Busy Apartment Dwellers

Busy, on the go entrepreneur and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki knows what busy, on the go people need. That’s why he and the folks over at Nononina have created, which is the perfect site for busy, on the go apartment dwellers. Alltop is an information aggregator. That is, Alltop is a website that collects top stories from all over the web and groups them based on topic.

News You Can Use

Alltop can make your life easier. For instance, if you want a quick fix of environmental news, you simply visit There you have all the top environmental news stories collected for you in one place. It’s sort of like an online magazine rack where you can quickly scan all the top headlines and decide what you want to read.

All the Top Information for Your Life

Naturally, at we are interested in news that make apartment life easier. Therefore, our favorite section of Alltop is Lifehacks features great news, articles and tips to make your life easier. A quick scan shows stories about everything from time management and improving your relationships to guitar hero tips. If you want to figure out how to save money, repair a sink and find an apartment fast, there is no better place to start than Alltop!