May 2016

TIME… It is said that time will heal all wounds, but that is not the case. Time only serves as a reminder. It is a reminder that the hurt is still there, but is somehow lessened by the fact that we still persevere. For those we honor on Memorial Day, time is a testament. It is the keystone on which the archway of our freedom is formed. As the passages of time roll on, we pause on this day and allow time to stand still.

Finding an apartment that’s handicapped accessible can be challenging, especially if you’re unable to visit the apartment you’re considering. With the right resources and questions, though, you can do it! Of the 56.7 million Americans who have some type of disability, more than 30 million of those require a wheelchair. You’re not the only one out there asking questions about handicapped accessibility, and we’re here to help!

It has finally arrived. After years of classes, courses, seminars, and a myriad of ups and downs, you have finally succeeded! Graduation is finally here! And, as you prepare to depart from your student housing apartment, you gaze ahead at the various paths that lay before you. New job opportunities could take you to your next home, or maybe to a cabin in the Rocky Mountains! In any case, most of you will be departing the life you have known and will be venturing to a new city. These are the best cities for the graduating class of 2016.

It’s that time of year again: finals have wrapped, plans are in motion, and hats WILL be thrown in the air. Yes friends, graduation time is (finally) upon us. And we all know what that means, don’t we? TIME TO FIND A JOB! Just kidding. Kind of. Before that, your grad will be walkin’ that stage with the biggest grin you’ve ever seen, and though your “love and support” mean the world to them, we’re sure it wouldn’t hurt to get them a little extra somethin’ somethin’. Here are a few ideas for grad gifts that they definitely need (and/or want).

Lock the doors, pull the curtains tight, and turn on all the lights in your apartment! Friday the 13th is here and won’t come around again until next February. While this blog won’t be filled with scary tales pulled from the latest thriller movie, it will provide you with some frighteningly awesome facts about how cool it is to live in an apartment. Without further ado, here are 13 fast facts about apartment living as we celebrate 2016’s one and only Friday the 13th!

Do you consider yourself the host/hostess with the most/mostest? Are you the envy of friends and family for the Pinterest-worthy parties you create? …No? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’ve all been on the receiving end of: “I’m going to be in town this weekend! Mind if I crash at your place?” (*insert wide eyes emoji here*) Of course you want to accommodate but…ohmygosh how on earth will you get ready for company should you make muffins and possibly put on an apron and wow there’s so much to do where to start AHHHH.

We know. Luckily, we’re here to help. Below are some tips to make your apartment feel like a cute, cozy, home away from home for anyone that crashes at your pad.

From Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day to National Popcorn Day (yes, those are two “real” American holidays), there’s always something to celebrate in the good ol’ U-S of A. Few other days, though, are as important as National Armed Forces Day, which is celebrated each year on the third Saturday in May.

Thanks to the efforts of President Harry Truman and Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson, Armed Forces Day was established in 1949 as a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service. On May 21, join your community in saying “Thank You” to service men and women near or far, with one of these five creative ideas!

Remember all the times you asked your mom, “Can I go out and play?” or “Do you think this outfit looks okay?” or “What the heck is a tax bracket and why am I paying the government when I make no money. This is ridiculous!” That’s what this day is for – to celebrate the woman who always has the answers. Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, May 8th, and we’ve got some fun suggestions on how to show her that you care. Read on to find out!