Spring is here and for thousands of college students across America, it means one thing… spring break. Visions of beaches, parties and a week-long celebration of their youth fill the days leading up to mid-terms. However, for some college students, spring brings to mind a harsh reality. In just a few short weeks. the ride is up and life in the real world begins. They might be spending spring break apartment hunting to get ready for what lies ahead. Very soon, it will be time for Adulting 101.
Lesson 1 – How Much Do I Need to Move Into A New Apartment?
Finding a new apartment on ApartmentSearch is easy. Once you have an idea of how much you can afford each month, you can search for an apartment based on price, along with factors such as location and desired amenities. But the initial costs to move into your first apartment can quickly add up. Make sure that you have money stashed away for:
- Security Deposit – Varies between a couple hundred dollars to one month’s rent (or more)
- Utility Deposits and Hookups – $200 to $500 combined, but prices range by location and provider
- Moving – One truck, plus friends and family helping could run up to $200, depending on distance
- Other – Furniture, kitchen needs, bathroom items and such: prices vary
This means you should plan on having at least $1,000 plus your first rent payment to get you started.
Lesson 2 – The Roommate vs. The Troll
Many first-time apartment seekers find comfort in the fact that they do not have to go it alone. They can get a roommate. Resources can be pooled and expenses divided. But the quad living comforts of your previous student housing world do not always transition well to your new world. Shared space and usage can lead to some heated disagreements. Plus, one roommate can be a larger user of utilities, making an even split on bills not a reasonable compromise. Also, be sure that your cleanliness habits and needs match those of your roommate.
This means roommates can be a money saver, but also a headache creator. Use caution when making the decision.
Lesson 3 – Something You Really Need to Know
Some of the things that parents and friends were there to help with in the past may be elusive to you now. The time has come to learn some of the things that will help you succeed out there on your own. Getting yourself ready now means less turmoil later. These things include:
- How to File Your Taxes
- Scheduling medical check-ups
- Budgeting
- Grocery Shopping/Cooking
- Practical things to do in an emergency
This means more time spent succeeding and less time typing “how to __” into Google.
Of course, everything begins with finding the apartment that is right for you, and that means a visit to www.apartmentsearch.com. Once there, you can find the apartment that is right for you within our comprehensive national database. And, when you tell your leasing agent that you found your apartment using ApartmentSearch, you can earn up to $200 in rewards. This goes a long way to helping you to start adulting on the right foot.