10 Reasons to Rent Furniture, Not Buy It

There are a variety of reasons why people choose to rent furniture instead of buying it. Whether it’s a short-term or temporary move, a savvy financial decision, or simply a way to reduce the stress of having to buy and assemble stuff, renting furniture is becoming more popular than ever. If you’re on the fence about renting furniture, check out these 10 reasons why renting furniture might be the best decision you make.

  1. It’s hassle-free. When you rent furniture, people will deliver it and set it up for you. If the vision of sitting in an empty room assembling a bed frame terrifies you, skip it. When you’re done with the furniture, they’ll pick it up.
  2. It’s perfect for people on the move. Whether you’re a student furnishing a dorm or a young professional unsure of where your career will take them, you probably don’t want to shell out a ton of cash on furniture. Renting furniture allows you to have it for the time you need, and simply give it back when it’s time for the next adventure.
  3. You can personalize your space. If you’re decorating your first apartment, you might be picking furniture based on your (tight) budget… in other words, you take whatever’s in your price range. By renting your furniture, you can pick from more chic, sophisticated pieces. As your personality, style, and location change, so can your furniture!
  4. You can change your mind! Stick with that last thought. Think back on all the bedrooms you’ve had in your lifetime… they probably look pretty different, right? Tastes and preferences change, which makes renting your furniture the obvious choice. You don’t have to commit to a couch or dining room table forever – swap it out when you get bored or want something new!
  5. Your moves will be a breeze. When you rent your furniture, you don’t need to worry about booking (or paying for!) a moving truck or movers. Instead, you can get your furniture picked up from your old apartment and order new pieces for your new home sweet home. They’ll get it all delivered and set up, so you can break in your new home with a few slices of pizza, instead of beads of sweat.
  6. Renting furniture will help you out when life surprises you. It’s a fact of life: you simply can’t plan for everything. If you’re going through a divorce, relocating for medical treatment, or even living somewhere temporarily after a natural disaster, renting furniture can help when you’re in a bind. You have enough on your plate when you’re dealing with one of life’s curveballs, so embrace the convenience that renting offers.
  7. It’s quick. You got a job offer on a Friday and you’re starting on Monday. Oh, and it’s in a different city. Agghh! Don’t spend your weekend buying and assembling furniture. Let the delivery guys handle everything while you focus on preparing for your first day.
  8. There are lower start-up costs. Moving is expensive. Really expensive. When you’re paying for things like the security deposit, gas or airline tickets, moving boxes, and all the other things that come along with a move, you might not be able to afford to transport your current furniture or buy new stuff. If you opt for renting furniture, you might be able to avoid throwing down a big chunk of change all at once.
  9. You can try things out before buying them. You think your living room might look fabulous with an oversized wraparound couch, but you’re not sure. Why spend thousands of dollars on a couch if you really don’t know how you’ll like it? If you rent your furniture, you can try out different styles and looks in your home without committing to anything for the long haul.
  10. It’s perfect for rental homes or staging. If you’ve ever stayed in a dingy, out-of-date hotel, you know how much the furniture and décor can affect an experience. If you’re staging a home to sell it or if you’re trying to attract guests to your Airbnb, it’s important to have quality furniture. Instead of spending a fortune on updating your furniture every couple of years, rent it!

As you can tell, there are plenty of reasons why renting furniture can be highly beneficial. Between the convenience, lack of commitment, and financial advantages, you really can’t go wrong. Still unsure? Visit CORT.com to see just how easy it is to rent furniture online!