Spring Cleaning Your Apartment

Spring Cleaning Your Apartment: It’s That Time of Year Again

Spring is the time of year when everything is turning green, the flowers are blooming and the space under your couch is full of dust bunnies – time to spring clean your apartment.

To Toss or Not To Toss

The first step in spring cleaning your apartment is to go through all of your belongings, almost as if you are planning on moving. Decide what to keep, what to sell at a yard sale or what to donate to charity. Clothes are the easiest to go through. The general rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn it for at least two seasons, than it is time to get rid of it. As far as everything else, if it isn’t replaceable (at least in your mind) and you haven’t used it for at least a couple of years, you might want to put it in the “get rid of box”.

To Clean or Not to Clean

Not that you have gone through your apartment and have relocated all the extra clutter to its new home, it is time to actually start cleaning. The easiest way to keep you organized and on task is to make a list of all the rooms in your home and then list all the chores that need to be done in each room. You might find that you don’t actually have as much to do as you thought.

It’s Not Just About Cleaning

Spring cleaning also means checking on the condition of various items found around your apartment. For instance, when was the last time you checked the batteries in your smoke detectors? How about the caulk around your tub? Wandering why bugs keep getting in? Maybe your screens are in poor condition. Go around and take a look at all of these different elements in your apartment and if you find anything that needs repairing or replacing, give your apartment manager a call.

Spring Clean Your Apartment and Enjoy the Spring

Now that all the cleaning is done and your life feels much more in order, reap the rewards of a clean apartment by stepping outside and enjoying the nice weather. Who knows, you might even meet a new neighbor or two!