Good Neighbors in Apartment Complexes

Good Neighbors in Apartment Complexes Wanted

Whether you’re in an apartment complex in Gig Harbor, Washington or Moon, Pennsylvania, you may have noticed that a lot of us don’t even know who our apartment neighbors are. With the busy schedules most people have these days, developing good relations with your apartment neighbors requires some effort.

As an apartment dweller, you’d be smart to befriend your neighbors. Not only is it just good karma to build your community and social networks, but there are plenty of advantages to becoming and cultivating good neighbors in apartment complexes.

Think about giving some of the following “Becoming a Good Apartment Neighbor” tips a try.

Introduce Yourself to Your Apartment Complex Neighbors

Whether you’ve just moved in or you’ve been living in the same apartment for years, it’s never too late to let your apartment complex neighbors know a little about yourself. Put on your best smile and a clean shirt and knock on a few doors nearest you. If you can’t find an apartment neighbor at home, consider leaving a note introducing yourself. If you notice a new neighbor moving in, go out of your way to welcome him, her, or them to the apartment complex community.

Try a little apartment complex neighborhood get-together or “community party.” Create some simple invitations by hand or on your computer for the apartment complex neighbors on your floor or in your building. Make some snacks or finger foods and mix in a few beverages. You’ll probably want to stick with light music and non-alcoholic beverages so that it’s family friendly and comfortable for all of your potential good neighbors. Don’t worry if your culinary skills don’t go beyond dialing for pizza delivery – just order a little party plate at your local supermarket’s deli counter. If you’re worried about things getting boring, try an icebreaker activity. You might also consider organizing a National Night Out event for your community.

Be Considerate to Your Apartment Neighbors

Noise is where relations between apartment complex neighbors often go awry. Even though you might be really into your tunes and want to share them with everybody, their musical preferences may be slightly or very different than your own. Your apartment complex neighbors could be working at home or studying, requiring a quiet atmosphere. Try to keep this in mind. If you’re not really sure how appropriate the volume is when you’re listening to music or watching cable television in your apartment, you can always ask your apartment complex neighbors. What’s appropriate for a college apartment complex may not be appropriate in the suburbs. If you have bare floors, try putting down area rugs to help absorb the noise for the apartment neighbors below you.

Be a Good Neighbor by Being Clean

Lastly, avoid decorating your apartment hallway with the cups, plates, food scraps, and other trash, where your good neighbors have to smell it, see it, and possibly trip over it. Take it out to the dumpster pronto. In general, keep all of your outside areas clean, including hallways, doorways, stairways, and balconies.

So don’t be shy. Go on out and be a good neighbor.