Apartments in Austin on the Rise

Apartments in Austin: Boom Times

Apartments in Austin are being built at a record pace, according to apartment industry research firm M/P/F YieldStar. Currently, 12,810 Austin apartments are slated to be built through the end of 2009; that is the third-largest new supply in the country.

Apartments in Austin: An Apartment Renter’s Paradise

M/P/F reports that apartment renters in Austin have the pick of the litter right now, with occupancy rates in the Texas capital city down somewhat (1.8 points) from the same time last year. That means that Austin renters and new arrivals who are seeking apartments for rent face less competition than usual in this popular city.

Apartments in Austin: Great Deals in the Future

Fortunately for Austin-area apartment seekers, an abundance of apartments in Austin equals rent discounts, apartment rewards and other renting incentives. We expect apartment managers and landlords will be busy as we enter Austin’s prime apartment leasing season.

New Apartments in Austin

At the same time, the builders of the newest complexes in Austin are seeing their apartments leased out for much higher rents than normal. These apartment complexes, which see rents starting at about $1,300 and going up to almost $13,000 a month, are located mostly in the downtown area as well as the trendy Domain area of Austin.

Finding Apartments in Austin

If you are in the process of finding an apartment in Austin and you want to know where you can find the trendy new apartments mentioned above or the apartments with the best rental deals – or just an apartment that has the amenities you desire – than come to and let us help you find your perfect new home.