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Two Women Moving Into New Home And Unpacking BoxesFinally it is here. Finals week is finished. You have packed up your dorm, and have left the campus for a wonderful holiday break. After a long stressful fall semester, nothing could be more welcome. But, while you are away, visions of a better campus life will be running through your head like sugar plums on Christmas Eve. It may have been that living in the residence hall was too noisy. Maybe one of your dorm roommates were a complete nightmare. Maybe living on campus just didn’t meet your expectations. But that is okay. If you act quickly, the New Year can bring a new start for your college experience.

There are plenty of advantages to living off-campus. One of the most notable is the fact that you now have more control over your environment. In the past, student housing was often dreaded by college students. The thought of being banished to a cinderblock bunker with lots of noise, distractions, and a lack of amenities sent cringes down the spine of students and parents alike. But today’s off-campus housing could not be any further away from that depiction. Today’s student communities are high-tech and luxurious, offering an environment more conducive to study and starting the first stages of adult life.