Never Make These 4 Home Staging Mistakes

couple works on redecorating apartmentGreat home staging for an apartment can be the difference between a quick turnaround and a sluggish sale. When a prospective tenant walks in, they should instantly feel at home in the space, and an effective home staging job can make that happen. However, there are some common blunders that you can make when setting up an apartment. Take note of these top 5 mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to a successful partnership.

1. Choosing bold colors and styles

Making the apartment look inviting for every prospective tenant is easiest when you are working with neutral colors. That pop of Marsala red paint on one wall may be trendy, but it’s not to everyone’s taste. Likewise, a unique flame-stitched sofa won’t win the heart of every renter. Consider doing some painting, and choosing furniture rental to keep your space cohesive and welcoming to all.

2. Displaying too much unique décor

You might associate personal décor like knickknacks and unique artwork with a homey feeling. However, when it comes to helping potential renters imagine themselves living in that space, that kind of décor can become overwhelming. Substitute the tchotchkes for a vase of flowers instead.

3. Bad lighting

Making sure every room is lit properly can go a long way when it comes to making a space look good. Too little light, and it becomes hard to see the room; too much light, and it becomes harsh and uninviting. 3 points of light per room is a good rule of thumb.

4. Too much clutter

If a potential renter walks into a room and sees it crammed with furniture and accessories, they may come away with the impression that the apartment lacks the space they need. Don’t go overboard with your interior design! Instead, stick to simple setups that create a spacious environment. After all, even one-bedroom apartments can feel big with the right furniture arrangement!

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