Corgis Are Cute But, Are Corgis Good Apartment Dogs?

Ahh, Corgis. They’re the stars of Queen Elizabeth’s palace, and now they’re popping up on the silver screen. Their short legs and stumpy tails make them some of the cutest pups you’ll ever meet. Their infamous “sploots” and perky ears are an endless source of giggles for dog lovers everywhere.

We can’t blame you for wondering if Corgis make good apartment pets. The good news is, they do! Read on to learn why Corgis are quite paw-sibly one of the best dog breeds for pet-friendly apartment living.

Why Corgis Are Good Apartment Dogs

Corgis make great apartment pets for several reasons: their temperament, their size, and their activity level.

Corgi Temperament

Corgis are generally personable and friendly, making them an excellent dog breed choice for those with roommates or constant visitors. Corgis are herding dogs by blood, so they love to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings (the view from your apartment window would be a dream for a corgi!).

A Corgi might let out a fur-ocious bark if they see or hear anything out of the ordinary, but don’t worry—Corgis are extremely smart and respond well to obedience training. Spend a little time teaching your dog to limit his barking, and you’ll both have a tail-wagging good time with apartment life.

Corgi Size

As puppies, Corgis are tiny (and adorable!), and as adults, they’re still relatively small dogs. Most Corgis grow to be a maximum of 30 pounds, which is well under the limit for many pet-friendly apartment complex rules. Apartment buildings vary, though, so be sure to check with your landlord before you bring home a Corgi or move into a new apartment with your pet.

If you live in a small apartment or loft, Corgis’ small size makes them the perfect companions for tight spaces. Corgis are also the ideal size for crate or kennel training, which can be an excellent option to prevent damage to your apartment while you’re gone.

Corgi Activity Needs

Corgis may not need to go on a daily five-mile run with you, but they do need to be active every day. Like other apartment pets, Corgis need to have access to an outdoor space for bathroom breaks and walks, so consider your apartment’s proximity to a dog park or fenced, grassy area before you adopt a corgi.

Corgis can certainly be left alone for a few hours at a time while you’re at work, but be sure to leave them with some engaging, entertaining toys while you’re gone, as they can get bored quickly and become destructive. Take your Corgi for an energetic walk around the block as soon as you get home—it’s the “leashed” you can do for your pup!

Find Pet-Friendly Apartments for You and Your Corgi

Having a pet in an apartment doesn’t have to be “ruff!” Small dog breeds like corgis can be a dog-gone good fit for apartment living. Ready to live like a royal with your trusty Corgi companion? Search recently listed pet-friendly apartments on ApartmentSearch today, and find a pup-tastic palace for you and your dog!