Brainy Ways to Save Money During an Internship

With summer quickly approaching, it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty. If your internship’s in town, that’s great! But what if it isn’t? Many internships can take you clear across the country for just a few short months, costing you a pretty penny in short-term housing. But have no financial fear—with a little creative spending (and saving), you can still have the summer of your dreams!

To save money during your internship, you can…

Pack a lunch. In her book What Are You Doing For Lunch, Mona Meighan calculated that packing a lunch can save 80% over eating out. When you’re on a tight summer budget, there are so many more exciting things to spend your money on than a lunchtime burrito. Packing lunch yourself also means you know everything going into your meal—which is great if you have allergies or sensitivities. You’re also less likely to make unhealthy midday decisions. This rule goes for drinks, too. Consider brewing your own coffee instead of picking up that $5 latte each morning.

Explore the great outdoors. One of the perks of a summer internship is the warm summer weather. No need to figure out pricey day trips when there’s so much to see for free! Not only will exploring the city and its outskirts help you get to know your temporary home a little better, but maybe you’ll make some new summer friends at local parks and trails. And if it’s too hot to hike? Check out a local beach or swimming hole. Bonus points if you pack a tasty, money-saving picnic for the day!

Rent furniture. Want your temporary apartment to feel like home without the less-than-homey price tag? New furniture prices add up quick, and used furniture is just a little…icky. Do you really want to think about why someone threw away that couch? Through CORT’s student furniture rental service, you get to avoid questionable stains, excessive fees, and even doing the moving yourself. To sweeten the pot, CORT even offers special student pricing with full apartment packages starting at just $119 a month!

While you may not be “making bank” this summer, you can still have a blast! With a little smart spending, you can stretch your paycheck to still cover a few little splurges down the line. Beach trip, anyone? And when you get back, you’ll have a lovely little apartment to return to, even if it’s only home for a few short months.