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Painting A WallWhether you just rented a new one bedroom apartment or you’re still in the process of searching for the perfect place, you’ve thought of simple ways to make your space unique to your tastes. When it comes to walls, you’re dying to do away with the same old blank and boring standard. You’ve thought about applying wallpaper, but that takes too much time; time you’ll have to put back in to taking that wallpaper down just to get your security deposit back. Adding a fresh coat of paint is always an option, but that takes effort you’d rather not exert for the same thing you had before: walls that are all the same color. Womp womp.

Photos on ClothespinsIf you’re moving into a studio apartment, the first thing you want to do, decoration-wise, is make the place feel like “you.” But, before you start unrolling your old posters to hang up, you remember that you are not supposed to put holes in the wall of your apartment. What next? Here are some helpful hints for hanging wall art without the headache.

Whether it’s your own canvas art, old Polaroids of your family, news clippings, or a wall hanging, you can get creative with how you display your wall art. For example, you could:

Make a clothespin picture hanger. All you need are hooks that stick to your wall (think 3M command strips), string, some clothespins, and whatever small décor you wish to put up. Pictures, concert tickets, a note somebody wrote you in fifth grade – the opportunities go far and wide with the clothespin method. 

So you finally found the absolutely perfect apartment for rent? Before you pop that bottle of champagne and kick back to celebrate, take pause; there may be a few considerations your new property manager or owner didn’t mention. Here are the key questions to ask before you take the renting plunge.

What amenities are included?

What is the parking situation like? Where do residents wash their laundry? What appliances come standard? When moving into a new complex, it’s easy to forget that not all apartments are created equal. Some complexes may require assigned, paid parking spots or don’t have a laundry facility on-site. Asking about the amenities can help narrow down your choices.

Every year, the world-renowned Pantone Color Institute forecasts the “Color of the Year” for the next year. Pantone is a major authority on colors and has created a standard language for the color communication from designers to producers to retailers. Since 1990, Pantone has predicted what colors will be trendy in the upcoming year. In 2014, the color was the bold yet enchanting Radiant Orchid. For 2015, Pantone leans toward a naturally impactful color: Marsala. So what is Marsala and how can you add elegant touches of it to your life?

This rich color incorporates earthy tones into a more traditional red wine hue. Small touches of Marsala are perfect for warming up a room and making a sophisticated statement. The hearty but stylish tone has a universal appeal and transfers well to design, fashion, beauty, and home décor and furnishings. Here are a few of our favorite ways to incorporate the 2015 Color of the Year into your apartment décor:

As September 23rd approaches, the signs of autumn are beginning to pop up everywhere: the cooler temperatures, shorter days, and infiltration of pumpkin-flavored products. Like spring, fall offers up a chance to freshen up your apartment life for the coming months. Here are a few tips to prepping your apartment for the fall season.

Cleaning Up

Spring-cleaning shouldn’t be the only time for a deep cleansing of your apartment and clearing out unwanted items. Before you snuggle up on the couch for the longer nights ahead, grab your cleaning supplies and scrub down all the nooks and crannies you ignored over the summer. You’ll be glad to have a clean apartment during the colder months spent inside.

There are two kinds of renters who need an interior designer: those who want an apartment that looks stylish and put-together but don’t know the first thing about how to get there, and those who have a vision in mind and need help executing it. There are some relatively affordable options for either type of apartment dweller, and they are actually fairly distinct from each other. To keep your apartment redesign from looking like a home makeover show gone wrong, think about these tips as you hunt for your perfect interior designer.

If You Need Ideas…

If you are an interior-design newbie and what you need is a vision for your home’s redesign, start by finding a designer that fits your overall sense of style. The best way to make sure that your designer fits that category is to look at the work they have already done. If you can find a designer that has a website and a portfolio, that can be an easy job. Think about the things you already like about your apartment’s design, and look for those traits in a designer’s portfolio.