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Generally, multiple bedroom apartments save each tenant some money compared to renting a one-bedroom or studio apartment by yourself. Of course, this leads to the dreaded roommate dilemma. Maybe you have had a bad roommate experience, or have never had a roommate at all. Thinking about trying a “blind” roommate? Use these tips to avoid setting yourself up for disaster and have a pleasant experience in your apartment while saving money on rent.

Do: Seek Practical Resources

Where you look for a roommate should depend on your situation. If you’re in college, there are usually resources for students to find roommates. Even if the university doesn’t provide it, there can be Facebook groups, or an outside resource online like RoomSync to match roommates at specific colleges.

Living with another human being isn’t always easy, but as rents continue to rise in many urban areas, roommates become a financial necessity. Whether your roommate is your childhood best friend or a stranger you were placed with, combining two different lives is bound to result in a few conflicts. Once you find an apartment, it’s important to try to anticipate future disputes before they arise and set up guidelines for when fights do happen.

Here are 3 of the most common roommate disputes and how to navigate through them maturely:

Roommates Having a FightThe day has finally arrived. You just moved back to college and into your new student housing apartment. Summer is over and you are gearing up for an action-packed semester. However, the worst-case scenario has come true: you have discovered that one of your roommates is also your worst nightmare. You definitely cannot live like this until December. So what can you do? Use these tips to wake up from the nightmare and into a happier apartment life for the fall semester.

Can the Problems be Resolved?

In many cases, the challenges of a bad roommate are ones of perception. People from different experiences and backgrounds than you often make completely different lifestyle choices. Many times, a meeting of the minds and a discussion about each other’s expectations can provide a mutually beneficial solution. Get everyone in the apartment involved and keep the tone of the discussion light. No one wants to feel confronted.