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Ex-pats relocating to the U.S. have a myriad of choices ahead of them as they transition from their home country to America. In some cases, the city they are moving to was determined by their employer. Even so, ex-pats will have new options to explore, including the type of neighborhood they would like to live in and determining what lifestyle is best for themselves and their families.

Jefferson MemorialSpring has sprung – at least it has in some areas of the country. The birds are returning, green grass is popping up through the snow, and we are all itching to get out more and explore our cities. So does your city make the list of the Most Walkable Cities in the country? Walkable cities have high clusters of employers, civic institutions, medical centers, retail shops and cultural assets, according to a recent report, Foot Traffic Ahead: Ranking Walkable Urbanism in America’s Largest Metros.

Based on the report, here is the list of the Most Walkable Cities in the U.S.:

New Villa ApartmentsWelcome to the New Year. As we bid farewell to 2014 and say hello to the new journeys of 2015, people begin to take stock of the world around them. Many will make resolutions to lose weight, stop a bad habit, or spend more time doing the things that they love. Unfortunately, many of these quests for self-improvement will fail. But not to worry! There is a task you can undertake in 2015 that could have profound impact on your life. And this amazing journey to create a new you is actually one of the easiest things you could ever strive for. It is time that you create a new lifestyle for yourself by finding a better apartment for your life.

Psychologists have done countless studies on the effect that your surroundings have on you personally. If you have negative thoughts attached to the place you live, it becomes very difficult to escape those feelings. Many of these could be a result of life circumstances that happened to you throughout 2014. Or, maybe you are the victim of a negative environment, such as having neighbors who perpetually argue or living in a more distressed part of your area. Whatever the case, if your current home is causing you undo distress, the best thing you can do to improve your life is to find a new place to live.

ApartmentSearch_Manhattan-ApartmentThe children of Baby Boomers are very practical, self-reliant, and independent. That is why this group – Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980) – are choosing to live in apartment communities all over the U.S.

The independence and practicality of this group of 51 million Americans are fueled by the fact that many of them grew up as “latchkey kids”, or the parents of divorce. This has caused Gen Xers to learn to rely on themselves and make decisions for their lives – and those of their children – based on their own experience, not what someone tells them is best.

Happy couple cycling in the cityMillennials (20 to 35-year-olds) are heading to apartments in droves, not only for the value they offer but also because the apartment lifestyle matches their personalities. This massive group of approximately 77 million consumers is important in part because of its incredible buying power. The only demographic group closest in size is the Baby Boomer population.

Many of these children of Baby Boomers grew up in single-parent households and, as such, had more responsibility than any generation before them. This led to not only a greater sense of value, but also a greater sense of their own self-worth and independence. Some millennials are still in college or have just graduated. They are not interested in buying a home; instead, they are seeking apartments that offer them the convenience, value, and lifestyle they want.