
October 2014

Many renters know of ApartmentSearch.com because of how easy it makes finding the perfect apartment, but did you know that finding your next home through the site can also help a good cause? Now you can opt to make a $100 donation to Volunteers of America (VOA), a nonprofit devoted to supporting and empowering America’s most vulnerable people, in lieu of a $100 Visa gift card just by finding your new home!

There are many myths surrounding the renting vs. buying situation. If you’re considering moving into an apartment for rent or purchasing a house, you’ll find lots of conflicting arguments about which one is better. Either way, deciding between renting or buying takes a lot of time and resources. But don’t worry! We’re going to debunk a few of these myths to make your decision process a little easier.

Myth: Buying is always better renting.

Truth: Definitely not true! There are a lot of factors that will help determine whether you should buy or rent. What is your budget? How long will you live there? How much room do you need? What’s the current state of the housing market in your area? What does your credit score look like? Once you can answer these questions, you will be able to make the decision right for you.

Sam, a sweet, joyful cocker spaniel, is waiting anxiously to see his owners, John and Marley. His nose has been pressed up against the window for the past hour, even though they won’t be home from work for two more hours. Sam, of course, doesn’t have the same human concept of time. Still, while he has been waiting in his owners’ three bedroom apartment and has kept busy watching birds in the trees near his second-floor window, taking naps and playing with his favorite red rubber ball.

Sam, John, and Marley’s story is the same throughout apartment communities all over the U.S. Catering to furry family members has become one of the hallmarks of the apartment industry – and for good reason. Over 70 percent of U.S. households own a pet. In fact, more U.S. families own cats (30 percent) than own stocks (14 percent), according to The Federal Reserve. Cats are undoubtedly very popular pets, but more Americans own dogs: 36.5 percent of households, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Other popular pets include birds, fish, ferrets, rabbits, turtles, hamsters and guinea pigs.

These days, lots of people are downsizing and moving into apartment communities to save space and money on homeowner expenses. This trend also means people are moving some of their belongings into self-storage. However, finding the right self-storage space can be a challenging task, especially if you’re not sure what to look for. Storage units are available in a wide range of sizes and a variety of features, which can make the decision process seem endless. By evaluating your exact storage needs, you can determine what the best option and value is best for you. Here are a few tips to consider when selecting a storage unit:

Finding the perfect apartment for rent is already a challenging experience, but when you add choosing a lease type it becomes even more difficult. A lease is a contract you make as a tenant with your landlord that lays out the conditions and costs of the apartment rental, the services they provide, and the length of rental time. There are a few options when it comes to leasing terms, so you want to make sure you find the one right for you. In order to alleviate some of the stress of choosing the right leasing option, here’s a breakdown of the difference between long-term and month-to-month leases.

Plate of Creole Food from New OrleansFall is such a wonderful, social time of year. As the pleasant fall temperatures surround us and we head out to fall festivals and pre-Halloween activities, we also gather with our friends and families at restaurants across the country. Apartment living means the ability to choose where you live close to the things you love to do – even you favorite places to eat.

But which cities sport some of the best food cultures? These are places that have developed their own distinct food style and scene, based on many generations and cultures that live in the area. Here is our list of Cities with the Best Food Cultures:

Noisy neighbors are a common complaint for apartment tenants. However, if you complain about your noisy neighbor, it’s likely that they say the same thing about you from time to time. Even if you have carpet flooring, sometimes you need to take additional steps to keep your apartment soundproof. If you tend to listen to a lot of loud music or play motion related video games, it might be essential for you to limit your sound and stay on your neighbor’s good side. Here are a few tips on keeping the noise level down in your apartment:


The next generation of apartment residents is an entrepreneurial, technologically-adept and financially-independent group. They may be too young to venture out on their own yet, but today’s children will be moving out on their own sooner than you might expect and they are excited to soon be living the lifestyle of modern apartment living.

This demographic group, dubbed Generation Z (born between 1994 and 2000), is even more independent than Generation Y and Millennials, with many more of these teens expressing a desire to start their own businesses and hire employees (even though they are still in school). These independent thinkers are likely to choose apartments, in order to have financial stability and live the independent lifestyle they enjoy.