Apartment living for college students comes with many benefits, but an abundance of storage space usually isn’t one of them. What can you do? If you’ve lived in a dorm
Last time we talked about some factors to be aware of in order to find an apartment you’ll enjoy. Things like size, amount of storage, and convenience may seem obvious.
Your mission: Find an apartment. Sounds simple enough, right? There are lots of places for rent out there. So how do you pick the right one?
First, to find an apartment
Everyone loves music, but not everyone loves living near a musician. You may think your wailing solos sound great, but those who live near you may not agree. In apartments, soundproofing your space can be vital if you don’t want to win your building’s “Most Hated Neighbor” award.
Plants bring a vibrant touch to a home of any size. But you may feel that small apartment living precludes having plants. Not so. You can be an indoor gardener, even in a small apartment. Living with plants can brighten your habitat and reward even modest efforts.
What could be nicer on a cold winter evening than a crackling fire? Most apartments unfortunately do not have that beautiful, warm and toasty fireplace. But if you are one
Houseplants bring a feeling of the outdoors to apartment living. But these valued household members can suffer shocks and breakage if they are not handled carefully. Use this moving checklist
Breakable items are always one of the biggest challenges on a moving checklist. You want to make sure your china, crystal, and other treasured belongings arrive intact. Never fear: You
A major task on a moving checklist is packing a home office. Most offices contain heavy items like bookshelves and a desk as well as delicate items like a computer
When you make a moving checklist , packing the kitchen is bound to be one of the biggest jobs. It may seem overwhelming (all those drawers and cabinets …), but we