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Tax day is Tuesday, April 18th. Whether you’re bravely doing your taxes yourself, paying someone to do them for you, or bribing a friend with pizza to help you, one thing is a no-brainer – you want all the tax breaks you can get! And while you may think that homeowners get to take home all the tax deductions, that’s not necessarily true. There are a few creative tax breaks that could be perfect for apartment renters too!

Face it: your parents, while so generous for letting you stay, aren’t exactly your ideal roommates. And your other options range from “friends who would be terrible to live with” and “random people on Craigslist that scare you a little.” When it’s finally time to cut the cord and live on your own though, you may wonder, “Can I afford to live on my own?” Check out these tips to find out how you can better prepare for solo apartment living and plan for the costs that you may have overlooked!

Spring is here and for thousands of college students across America, it means one thing… spring break. Visions of beaches, parties and a week-long celebration of their youth fill the days leading up to mid-terms. However, for some college students, spring brings to mind a harsh reality. In just a few short weeks. the ride is up and life in the real world begins. They might be spending spring break apartment hunting to get ready for what lies ahead. Very soon, it will be time for Adulting 101.

Maybe your car broke down and your hard-earned savings went straight to the mechanic. Perhaps you didn’t get the hours you needed at work, and your paycheck was already lacking to begin with. Whatever the reason, sometimes life happens and you end up being late on rent. If you’re a few days behind on rent, read on to find out what to expect. More importantly, learn how you may be able to get your landlord to (hopefully) cut you a little slack.

The boxes are packed, the keys are in hand, and a little voice from within seems to be whispering, “YOU’RE AN ADULT NOW!” While getting out of mom and dad’s place or even your college dorm is the first step to really being out on your own, one small factor could stop you straight in your tracks: those dolla’ dolla’ bills. Budgeting for your first apartment can be, to put it lightly, a learning experience. Because if you like to move it, move it, you’ve gotta pay it, pay it. Did you know that according to Gallup, only 32% of Americans create a monthly budget? Somehow, budgeting has taken a back burner in the lives of young people, especially. But don’t worry – we can help. Here are some expenses that you may have forgotten about, along with some smart solutions to keep them in check.

While college is full of new friends, a new school, and completely new experiences altogether, it also goes hand in hand with a whole new world of…adulting. Buying your own toilet paper? Figuring out every meal on your own? Budgeting??? Yep, all of these things need to get done. But don’t fret; being a college student also comes with tons of perks, especially when it comes to saving money. Check out these ideas for stretching your dollars and keeping it up for the rest of your college career, and hopefully, life!

It’s that time of year again: time for tax paperwork that couldn’t be more complicated (bleghk) and a big fat check that couldn’t be more glorious (huzzah)! It’s time for your tax refund, and according to the IRS, this year’s average tax refund is a whopping $3,120. With that kind of money, you could go on a sandy beach vacation AND treat yourself to something nice. Why not give your apartment the makeover it’s been waiting for and upgrade your decor? Here’s how in three easy steps!

Well, you did it. You finally packed up that little life of yours and are officially moving into your first apartment. Look at you, adulting and stuff! Once you get over the chaos of putting everything you own into cardboard boxes and hauling it to your new abode, there’s just one thing left to do: make that humble abode a home. And nothing says “home” like the decor of your apartment. But wait a minute…are you thinking, “Decor? Isn’t that a fancy word for ‘decorations’? Sounds expensive.” Fear not, my budget-conscious friend. We’re here to give you some ways to save on turning your place into a whimsical wonderland (or a decked out den, or a pretty pad…whatever you want to call it, really). Follow our guide and you’ll be the king or queen of your quaint castle in no time.

If you’re living life on the college kid budget, then you’ve probably asked the question, “Do you have a discount for students?” at your favorite food stop. If you’re new to the student life or are looking to save a couple pennies, here are some starter tips to get you on the discounted path.

Find Expert Resources

A grad student, victory-lapping senior, or online forum could have all the golden knowledge you need to eat or shop cheaper. Beyond the usual spots around your campus, there could be somewhere you never thought would sympathize with your college going that will happily knock 15% off your taco bill.

Now that the holidays and New Year’s Day have come and gone, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle-and-bustle of everyday life and forget about those pesky resolutions that were made on January 1st. Whether your resolution was to lose weight, spend less money, or just be happier, life has a habit of getting in the way of achieving your goals. However, there are plenty of easy ways that apartment living can help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

Save Money

There are many different ways to go about saving money, and apartment living can help you do that! If your finances are getting a little tight, consider moving in with a roommate, cut back on the little things like eating out, or check out our Budget Blog Roundup for excellent tips on saving money while living in an apartment.

Be Happier

If 2014 wasn’t your best year, maybe it’s time for a change. Take the leap and find a new job that makes you happier or cut out the negative people in your life. A new year allows you to change things up, so consider where you’re living and if you’re content there. Start fresh, find an apartment in a new city, and jump into the culture there. Making a big change can seem scary, but it might just be the thing you need to make 2015 your best year yet.