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It is rare to go a day without hearing something new about apartment living. Everything from a new apartment community opening across the street to the rising costs of rent in the major cities. But the world is rapidly evolving, and so too is the news about apartment living. New innovations are making the apartment lifestyle more desirable than ever before. A host of other changes in typical apartment life (including prices) are changing the way we think about renting. Here’s a look our predictions for apartment life in 2017 and beyond. 

Summer isn’t the only thing heating up. Apartment living is the most popular housing choice in the nation today. As a result, in many cities, apartments are becoming harder and harder to find. This also means that rent rates are burning a hole in the pockets of some apartment residents. Thankfully, there are still plenty of affordable apartments in your city and they may have some surprises waiting for you. In fact, these apartment amenities are not only super cool, they help you get red hot value for the cost of your rent!

Everywhere you go, you hear about the increase in popularity of the apartment lifestyle. Everyone from retiring Baby Boomers to Millennials to Generation Z – who are just now finding their first apartments – are discovering the benefits of apartment living. But an apartment is much more than just a place to eat and lay your head at night. One of the greatest things about apartment living is all the amenities that come with it – amenities that most people would not otherwise be able to afford or enjoy.

While we all know about apartment community amenities such as fitness centers, swimming pools and recreational activities such as tennis and racquetball, there are many other amenities that are driving people to choose renting rather than owning.