June 2015

Summer HeatWe were all ready for winter to be over, but now that summer is here, thermometer temperatures are climbing in many areas of the U.S. Heat and humidity definitely take their toll on residents who live in cities with higher temperatures. And the kids want to cool off as much as you do. Fortunately, ApartmentSearch has great suggestions for beating the heat this summer.

Roommates Doing ChoresIt seems like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t keep your apartment clean. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us! And of course, your lazy busy roommates don’t make the process any easier.

You’ve thought about making a roommate chore chart, but isn’t that a new chore all of its own? Fret not – take charge of your chores and reclaim your rooms once and for all. Execute the following tips with your fellow renters and you’ll all be well on the way to making and maintaining an effective roommate chore chart.

Downtown Los AngelesLos Angeles is a massive city to conquer, for newcomers and current residents alike. With its nearly 13 million residents sprawled across the larger metropolitan area, LA is a city bustling with people, businesses, entertainment, and so much more. It’s incredibly difficult to narrow down the city’s highlights but, with the entire team pitching in, we compiled some of the sights and experiences that make Los Angeles such a tremendous city to visit or even to live in.

Shopping for an apartment is more challenging than ever before with the wide variety of new apartments to choose from, as well as the rising rent costs in certain regions. Many Americans are paying higher rent costs – rates rose four percent in April to reach a median $1,364, according to Zillow, but they are getting more bang for their buck. As a result, weighing all the different apartments in various neighborhoods in your city can often seem like a daunting task.

ApartmentSearch is here to help. There are many ways to simplify the process the shopping process – and choose the apartment home that is right for you. Our top tips include:

Ex-pats relocating to the U.S. have a myriad of choices ahead of them as they transition from their home country to America. In some cases, the city they are moving to was determined by their employer. Even so, ex-pats will have new options to explore, including the type of neighborhood they would like to live in and determining what lifestyle is best for themselves and their families.

As a new college grad, you’ve been through it all: application, matriculation, examination, graduation, and (finally) celebration! And often, after that, it’s time for relocation. For many, moving to your first post-college apartment means living alone for the first time.

So there you are, packing up your boxes to part ways with your college roommate, when you realize… without someone to split possessions with, your amount of necessities is taking a major hit! Because roommates often take the “this-for-that” approach to big purchases (“I’ll get a toaster if you get a table”), separation of roommates often entails a reclaiming process, and maybe a little separation anxiety. There goes the cutlery… and the coffeepot… and the couch… and the shower curtain….

Painting A WallWhether you just rented a new one bedroom apartment or you’re still in the process of searching for the perfect place, you’ve thought of simple ways to make your space unique to your tastes. When it comes to walls, you’re dying to do away with the same old blank and boring standard. You’ve thought about applying wallpaper, but that takes too much time; time you’ll have to put back in to taking that wallpaper down just to get your security deposit back. Adding a fresh coat of paint is always an option, but that takes effort you’d rather not exert for the same thing you had before: walls that are all the same color. Womp womp.