What the Rio Olympics Taught Us About Apartment Living

The games of the 31st Olympiad have been filled with both moments of amazement and moments of controversy. While most of us viewers will remember the epic achievements of Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt, the vast majority of the athletes, coaches and spectators will remember the experience. In the Athlete’s Village, memories of a lifetime were created by those who participated in the games. At the same time, we all learned many lessons about what’s important to not just the athletes, but also to everyone taking advantage of apartment living.

Safety is the No. 1 Concern

Much of what was publicized leading up to the start of the Olympics were challenges within the host nation. When it came to the safety of those living in the Olympic Village, this was of a paramount concern. The same is true for individuals and families living in apartments everywhere. Everyone wants to feel safe in their home. Fortunately, in this Information Age, it is easy for apartment shoppers to discover any concerns surrounding the apartment communities they are considering. Sites like MyLocalCrime.com and SpotCrime.com make it fast and simple for anyone to check the safety of a neighborhood before they move.

Cleanliness is Key

While the games in Rio may be remembered as one of the most troubled in history when it comes to pollution and trash, the same concerns often meet apartment shoppers. In an economic environment of ever-increasing rental rates, it is important that apartment shoppers feel they are getting value. So, when the drive leading to a prospective community reveals litter-lined streets, worries begin to register. When the observations lead to community grounds accented by garbage, apartment shoppers are likely to seek a cleaner location to spend their hard-earned money.

A Sense of Community

Despite the negative press, the participants in the games continue to express joy over the togetherness and camaraderie they experienced during their time living in the Olympic Village. Different cultures, different values and different beliefs all come together in harmony as part of the core ideals of the Olympic spirit. In much the same way, people living the apartment lifestyle are brought together with their neighbors. And this is one of the greatest rewards of choosing an apartment. You create friendships with the people around you – friendships that often last a lifetime.

The most challenging part of apartment living is finding the apartment that is right for you. To make things faster and easier, there is ApartmentSearch. Using our free, national database of apartments allows you to narrow your list by location, cost, amenities, furnished options and the other factors that are important to you. You can even earn up to $200 in rewards simply by telling your new apartment community that you discovered them on ApartmentSearch.com. Now that’s a great way to celebrate finding the apartment that is perfect for you!