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Close up of man's dress shoes, standing on asphalt with two arrows in front of himThe Lunar New Year (AKA Chinese New Year) is once again upon us. It arrives at a particular point in history where tumultuous times are the center stage of news reports across the U.S. Fear not! This is the Year of the Rooster and change (whether wanted or not) is at the heart of this zodiac sign. For those seeking growth in life — whether mental, physical, or spiritual—this is a time of joy. But for those who are resistant to something different, the challenges will flourish because change is no longer coming… change is here. The decisions you make spurred by change is what will define you in 2017.

It is rare to go a day without hearing something new about apartment living. Everything from a new apartment community opening across the street to the rising costs of rent in the major cities. But the world is rapidly evolving, and so too is the news about apartment living. New innovations are making the apartment lifestyle more desirable than ever before. A host of other changes in typical apartment life (including prices) are changing the way we think about renting. Here’s a look our predictions for apartment life in 2017 and beyond. 

New Villa ApartmentsWelcome to the New Year. As we bid farewell to 2014 and say hello to the new journeys of 2015, people begin to take stock of the world around them. Many will make resolutions to lose weight, stop a bad habit, or spend more time doing the things that they love. Unfortunately, many of these quests for self-improvement will fail. But not to worry! There is a task you can undertake in 2015 that could have profound impact on your life. And this amazing journey to create a new you is actually one of the easiest things you could ever strive for. It is time that you create a new lifestyle for yourself by finding a better apartment for your life.

Psychologists have done countless studies on the effect that your surroundings have on you personally. If you have negative thoughts attached to the place you live, it becomes very difficult to escape those feelings. Many of these could be a result of life circumstances that happened to you throughout 2014. Or, maybe you are the victim of a negative environment, such as having neighbors who perpetually argue or living in a more distressed part of your area. Whatever the case, if your current home is causing you undo distress, the best thing you can do to improve your life is to find a new place to live.

Two Women Moving Into New Home And Unpacking BoxesFinally it is here. Finals week is finished. You have packed up your dorm, and have left the campus for a wonderful holiday break. After a long stressful fall semester, nothing could be more welcome. But, while you are away, visions of a better campus life will be running through your head like sugar plums on Christmas Eve. It may have been that living in the residence hall was too noisy. Maybe one of your dorm roommates were a complete nightmare. Maybe living on campus just didn’t meet your expectations. But that is okay. If you act quickly, the New Year can bring a new start for your college experience.

There are plenty of advantages to living off-campus. One of the most notable is the fact that you now have more control over your environment. In the past, student housing was often dreaded by college students. The thought of being banished to a cinderblock bunker with lots of noise, distractions, and a lack of amenities sent cringes down the spine of students and parents alike. But today’s off-campus housing could not be any further away from that depiction. Today’s student communities are high-tech and luxurious, offering an environment more conducive to study and starting the first stages of adult life.