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ApartmentSearch_Piggy-BankIf you’re living life on the college kid budget, then you’ve probably asked the question, “Do you have a discount for students?” at your favorite food stop. If you’re new to the student life or are looking to save a couple pennies, here are some starter tips to get you on the discounted path.

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A grad student, victory-lapping senior, or online forum could have all the golden knowledge you need to eat or shop cheaper. Beyond the usual spots around your campus, there could be somewhere you never thought would sympathize with your college going that will happily knock 15% off your taco bill.

Car During WinterMoving during winter months can seem like a pretty daunting task. Between snowstorms, hazardous driving conditions and slippery walkways, there are a lot of things to consider when you add freezing temperatures that moving checklist. If you are moving into or out of an apartment, it’s likely stairs will be involved, which increases the hassle and potential risks of moving in cold weather. Here are a few winter weather tips to making your next move a successful one:

Hire Movers (if you can)

Few people know that moving companies are usually cheaper during the winter season than the summer. By allowing the professionals to pack, transport and unload your possessions, you can reduce frustration and struggle of doing it yourself. Plus, using movers can decrease the amount of time your belongings spend outside in the freezing temperatures.

Friendly Neighbors Giving a Fruit BasketSo you’ve settled into your new apartment and want to make friends with your neighbors. Maybe they’re quiet and almost transparent, making you overly cautious – or maybe they host rowdy football Sundays when you’re trying to get in some quiet time. Either way, it’s good to know how to deal with people that you share a wall (or a ceiling) with. Here are some tips on how to keep your cool and earn your neighbors’ respect, which will become a surprising advantage in your apartment life.

Be keen with social cues

Whether you’re looking to be friends or just apartment allies, you need to figure out the ways of your neighbors. Do they avoid any and all interaction, or do they ask how you’re doing when they see you? It’s important to introduce yourself no matter their behavior, but beyond that, interact as much as they want to. Any more or less and you’re in the danger zone of either bothering the introverts or offending the talkative ones. Having a good reputation with your building-mates has tons of benefits. Neighbors can help you out of a tough situation like a dead car battery, or cooperate with you if you plan on having a holiday party.

Los Angeles skyline, California, USAWhether you’re exploring your theatrical talents, just got a job offer, or are just getting a new start, Los Angeles is probably one of the more challenging places to get settled into as a new resident. As one of the biggest cities in the world, even urbanites can get overwhelmed. If you’re not sure where to start, consider these few tips to get one step closer to the City of Angels.

Don’t be Scared of Apartment Renter Competition

About 12 million people call Los Angeles home, with closer to 18 million residents in the Greater Los Angeles area. With this in mind, finding the perfect apartment or job is not as easy as in other cities. Don’t let this scare you – if you get denied an apartment application, that’s okay. If you have three interviews in a week with no calls back, that’s okay too. Persistence is key – try, try again, and eventually you’ll find your niche in The Big Orange. 

ApartmentSearch_decorating-christmasIf you’re planning on hosting any friends and family during the holidays this year, it’s likely your apartment will need a little preparation before your guests arrive. The holiday season is a hectic time for most of us, which means things like dusting your apartment may fall to the wayside. Don’t worry though, following these simple steps can help you prepare your apartment for all your loved ones’ visits.

Home Audio and Video EquipmentNoisy neighbors are a common complaint for apartment tenants. However, if you complain about your noisy neighbor, it’s likely that they say the same thing about you from time to time. Even if you have carpet flooring, sometimes you need to take additional steps to keep your apartment soundproof. If you tend to listen to a lot of loud music or play motion related video games, it might be essential for you to limit your sound and stay on your neighbor’s good side. Here are a few tips on keeping the noise level down in your apartment:

Studio Apartment BedroomIf you live in a studio apartment, you know what it’s like to get creative with storage. Studio apartments can get cramped very quickly, but they don’t have to! Using storage solutions are a great way to maximize the space you do have in your apartment. Walls aren’t just for art; they can be the best vehicles for uncluttering the floor. Additionally, storage doesn’t have to be ugly. Have fun with it and you’ll make the visual dynamics of your studio apartment more interesting. Here are a few best practices when it comes to storage solutions.

Look for Multipurpose Furniture

Finding furniture that has multiple uses is key to fitting all your stuff into your small apartment. Think about the pieces of furniture that take up a lot of room, but could also provide space to store things. Look for bed frames that come with drawers or have space under them for storage bins. Furniture pieces like this are perfect for hiding out-of-season clothes or extra linens. Storage ottomans are great for packing away DVDs, extra remotes and controllers, or throw blankets.

Dirty Dishes in the Sink Living with another human being isn’t always easy, but as rents continue to rise in many urban areas, roommates become a financial necessity. Whether your roommate is your childhood best friend or a stranger you were placed with, combining two different lives is bound to result in a few conflicts. Once you find an apartment, it’s important to try to anticipate future disputes before they arise and set up guidelines for when fights do happen.

Here are 3 of the most common roommate disputes and how to navigate through them maturely: